Public Accommodation Request

* indicates a required field

Registration Form

Students requesting reasonable accommodations should begin the Office of Inclusive Learning and Accessibility Service’s interactive process by completing the registration form below and submitting all required documentation from a provider. (Supported documentation must include prognosis, medications, and recommended academic adjustments)

Reasonable and Unreasonable Accommodations

A reasonable accommodation includes actions to eliminate or reduce physical or instructional barriers to learning. Accommodations are individualized to a student’s needs, which can include physical accessibility and participation in course activities.

Accommodations are reasonable unless they:

Alter or remove essential requirements.

Fundamentally alter the nature of the program.

Impose undue financial or administrative burden.

Pose a threat to others.

The determination that an accommodation is unreasonable is an institutional decision that must meet legal and educational requirements. Though the academic judgments involved in such decisions are typically the prerogative of the academic unit involved, those judgments must be made within legal parameters. Therefore, such determinations require collaboration between faculty, the academic department and OILAS. Faculty members may not unilaterally determine that an accommodation is unreasonable.

All students are required to self-identify and complete the registration process in its entirety. Once your documentation is received from you and your provider, we will contact you to finalize your registration documentation. We look forward to working with you in the Office of Inclusive Learning and Accessibility Services at Morehouse School of Medicine.   

Release of InformationRequired

Release of Information 

To explore possible coverage and reasonable accommodations, it is sometimes necessary for the Office of Inclusive Learning and Accessibility Services (OILAS) to disclose the documentation submitted by the student (DARF, Medical Verification Documentation, diagnosis, personal requests/statements) to providers such as licensed physicians, psychologists, or other qualified professionals. OILAS may also need to discuss the student’s impairment with other faculty and professional staff at MSM on a need-to-know basis.

I hereby give permission for OILAS to exchange information regarding the documentation I have submitted with my provider(s) (physician, psychologist, or other qualified professional) and to discuss my impairment with the institution’s faculty and professional staff. This authorization will remain in effect for the duration of my enrollment. I understand that I may revoke this authorization at any time by informing OILAS. At any point in the interactive process, if OILAS has a question regarding erroneous documentation, OILAS is permitted to contact the provider to validate the documentation.

I understand that this information is desired to assist those who are helping with my education and request for accommodation(s), and that my refusal to authorize consent may result in a denial of specific accommodation(s). I also understand that my disability documentation will be kept on file for five years and that I should keep a copy of any records pertaining to my disability.

Please use your university issued email address
Date of Birth Required
Classification Required
Check all that apply:

Request for Leave

Are you requesting a leave of absence?Required

Emotional Support Animal

Are you requesting an emotional support animal?Required

Accommodation Information

{"display_name":"Please select all accommodations you are requesting ","hidden_field_name":"ms_field_1","init_id":"ms_field_1","init_link":"","has_autocomplete":false,"has_hierpicklist":null}
Would you like an OILAS representative to conduct monthly check-ins?Required


Student AcknowledgmentsRequired
  • I am responsible for contacting the Office of Inclusive Learning & Accessibility Services to request accommodations.
  • I am responsible for completing the intake forms and providing appropriate, timely documentation to the OILAS office.
  • I am aware that once I have completed the accommodations request, and submitted my supporting documentation, the process can take up to seven business days to be completed.
  • I am aware that I am responsible for providing the accommodations letter to the appropriate party.
  • I am aware that if I need to request a new accommodation, I must provide updated documentation and schedule a meeting with OILAS.
  • I am aware that it is my responsibility to communicate directly with my faculty regarding exam accommodations and stay in communication about the time and place of such exams.
  • I am aware that it is my responsibility to contact OILAS if I am having any difficulties receiving my accommodations.
  • I am aware that approval of a requested accommodation is dependent upon the documentation provided, the diagnosis of a disability, the level of study, and the accommodation that is being requested.
  • I am aware that accommodations are not retroactive.
  • I am aware that accommodations may also be provided for a temporary disability.
  • I am aware that a request for an accommodation that creates a "fundamental alteration" or lowers the academic standards of a course will not be provided.
  • I am aware that the OILAS is responsible for providing services for students with disabilities as per Morehouse School of Medicine procedure, and as a result faculty are not required to provide any accommodations without a plan from the OILAS.
  • I am aware that to receive accommodations for exams and quizzes the faculty will need at least one week’s notice to coordinate and provide the accommodation. By signing, I guarantee the information provided is correct to the best of my abilities, and hereby give permission to the Office of Inclusive Learning & Accessibility Services to release information to appropriate University personnel, to aid in the consideration and implementation of disability accommodations.

Rights and Responsibilities of Students with Disabilities Required

As a student with a disability at Morehouse School of Medicine, you have a right to:

• Choose when and to whom to disclose the disability.

• Equal access to courses, programs, services, and activities offered by the institution.

• Reasonable accommodations and adjustments, when needed, to achieve equal access.

• Decide whether to use the curricular and co-curricular accommodations for which you have been approved.

• Seek resolution to concerns about access or discrimination through the institution’s procedures for filing informal and formal grievances.

• All other rights and privileges available to other students at the institution.

As a student with a disability at Morehouse School of Medicine, you have a responsibility to:

• Meet qualifications of, participate in, and maintain the essential institutional standards for courses, programs and activities.

• Self-identify to OILAS as a qualified individual with a disability when an accommodation is needed and seek information, counsel, and assistance as needed and in a timely manner.

• Demonstrate and/or provide documentation from an appropriately qualified professional explaining the way the disability limits participation in courses, programs and activities.

• Follow institution procedures for obtaining reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids and services.

• Inform OILAS of any concerns about classroom accommodations, disparate or disparaging treatment related to disability, or access issues on campus as soon as the issue arises.

Rights and Responsibilities of the Office of Inclusive Learning & Accessibility Services Required

OILAS has the right to:

• Identify and establish the essential functions, abilities, skills, knowledge, requirements, and standards for courses, programs, services, and activities, in collaboration with campus partners, and to evaluate students on this basis.

• Request and receive relevant documentation that supports requests for accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids and services. The documentation must be from a qualified evaluator and meets the guidelines of appropriate documentation of the University. Suggested recommendation for accommodations must be clearly demonstrated in the evaluation.

• Request outside review of documentation from a qualified evaluator to help determine reasonable accommodations.

• Deny a request for accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids and services if the information provided by the student fails to substantiate areas of functional impairment, the documentation provided does not adequately support the requested accommodation, or if you fail to provide appropriate documentation.

• Deny a request for accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids and services if will alter an essential course requirement or result in a fundamental alteration of a course, program or service, or poses an undue hardship on the institution.

• Approve and select reasonable, equitably effective accommodations adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids and services on behalf of the institution.

The Office of Inclusive Learning & Accessibility Services has the responsibility toRequired

• Establish and disseminate criteria for the use of disability services.

• Maintain appropriate confidentiality of student education records in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) and other applicable laws and regulations.

• Determine eligibility for participation of students with disabilities in the academic accommodations process based upon a review of appropriate documentation.

• Ensure students with disabilities who self-identify and meet institution criteria for eligibility to receive reasonable and appropriate accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids based upon the individual's need.

• Collaborate with faculty and staff regarding essential course and/or program requirements and appropriate reasonable accommodations.

• Ensure that courses, programs, services, and activities, when viewed in their entirety, are offered in the most integrated and appropriate settings.

• Inform students with disabilities of institutional policies and procedures for filing a formal grievance through the Informal ADA Grievance Policy, the Formal Grievance Procedure and/or through external agencies (e.g., Office of Civil Rights).

Upload supporting document(s)
  1. All students are required to self-identify and complete the registration process in its entirety.
  2. Students requesting accommodations should review the  Accommodation Packet and submit all required documents, including documentation from a provider (per the Guidelines section) to the Office of Inclusive Learning and Accessibility Services (OILAS). Supported medical documentation must include the provider’s name, credentials, license number, the learner’s prognosis, DSM-V-TR or ICD-10 codes for each prognosis, any prescribed medications, and recommended academic accommodations aligned with the prognosis.
The provider can submit your supporting medical documentation to Once all supporting medical documentation is received and no further updates are needed, OILAS will initiate the interactive process to finalize a decision.

Please ensure you upload your packet and supporting documentation by clicking on the link: Once your documentation is received from you and your provider, we will contact you to finalize your registration documentation.